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IsoCoppo Tek

IsoCoppo Tek is the new strengthened tile shaped sheet: a high density expanded polyurethane core applied during production allows to enhance the product characteristics. Main features are: standard dimensions with overlapping without foam, lightness, wide range of accessories. SUITABLE FOR: civil roofing and restoration with landscape

ll Coppo di Alubel, tile shaped pressed sheet

ll Coppo di Alubel is the tile shaped sheet produced to measure that enables the realization of new roofings and the restoration of old ones. It is produced in various materials and it includes also a wide range of accessories that have been developed specifically

Faux Tile insulated panels ISODOMUS & ISODOMUS CLASSIC

APPLICATION Isodomus is appropriate for public and industrial buildings’ roofs with sheds located in determined urbanised areas. It can be used for new buildings’ roofs, but also for renovation of roofs that are obsolete. CHARACTERISTICS The standard tile or barrel tile shape makes this panel particular with a